Scheppele Named Winner of Service Award by Law and Society Association

Written by
Staff, The Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
May 12, 2020

Professor Kim Lane Scheppele was named the winner of the Ronald Pipkin Service Award from the Law and Society Association (LSA), where she served as president from 2017 to 2019. Under Scheppele’s leadership at the LSA, she brought transparency and accountability to the operation of the association, according to a statement issued by the organization.

The LSA offers 12 prizes for scholarship awarded at their annual meeting, and the Ronald Pipkin Service Award was created to honor the 25 years of service of retiring Executive Officer Ron Pipkin. Scheppele previously won the Harry J. Kalven award in 2014 for “empirical scholarship that has contributed most effectively to the advancement of research in law and society.”

Scheppele is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and International Affairs at The Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and the University Center for Human Values at Princeton. Scheppele’s work focuses on the intersection of constitutional and international law, particularly in constitutional systems under stress. 

While serving as president of LSA, Scheppele also held tenure at the University of Michigan, taught full-time in the law school at the University of Pennsylvania, was the founding director of the gender program at Central European University (Budapest) and has held visiting faculty positions in the law schools at Michigan, Yale, Harvard, Erasmus/Rotterdam, and Humboldt/Berlin. 

The LSA is an interdisciplinary scholarly organization committed to social scientific, interpretive, and historical analyses of law across multiple social contexts. For sociolegal scholars, law is not only the words of official documents.