Gavin G. Cook, *24
Three Papers on Stratification and Culture in Science
Henry Gomory, *24
Who Owns American Housing? Uncovering the Hidden Role that Landlords Play in Urban Social Life
Vance Puchalski, *24
The Store on the Corner
Devin Q. Rutan, *24
Rising Ineligibility for Social Security: Drivers and Consequences of Elderly Poverty
Gillian Slee, *24
Gerhard Casper Fellow in Rule of Law, Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, Stanford University
Reentry in an Era of Criminal-Legal Reform
Fumiya Uchikoshi, *24
Causes and Consequences of Horizontal Stratification in Higher Education
Lai Wei, *24
Three Essays on Intergenerational Mobility
Parijat Chakrabarti, *23
Great Transformations in the Age of Platforms: Knowledge, Interaction, and Community on the Digital Frontier
Kyle Chan, *23
Fast Track: State Capacity and Railway Bureaucracies in China and India
Katie Donnelly, *23
Essays on the Transmission of Scientific Knowledge Surrounding Intrauterine Devices
Christopher Felton, *23
Three Essays on Causal Inference with Observational Data and the Sociology of Mental Health and Self-Harm
Alexander Kindel, *23
Observing Prestige: Visibility and Performance in the Sociology of Knowledge
Herrissa D. Lamothe, *23
Group Cognition: Reclaiming C.S. Peirce's Specialized Theory of Cognition and Its Implications for Sociology and the Cognitive Sciences
Shay O'Brien, *23
Dallas: Kinship, Mobility, and Inheritance in an Elite Population, 1895-1945
Ziyao Tian, *23
Three Essays on the Educational Investments of Asian American Families
Kalyani Jayasankar, *22
Time and Tide: Residential Decisions in an Era of Climate Change
Liam-Ching "Larry" Liu,*22
Whither Technology And Work: Theory, Warehouse Study, Job Quality
John Maldonado, *22
Post-Truth Politics and Contentious Knowledge
Ryan Parsons, *22
Barriers to Mobility in the Persistently Poor Rural South
Sarah Reibstein, *22
Free Money: Social Meanings and Practical Implementation in Alaska's Permanent Fund Dividend Program
Belen Unzueta, *22
Consensus or Conflict over Ethnoracial Categories? Classificatory Systems in Chile and Bolivia
Hannah Waight, *22
A Cage not a Hammer: Why Disunified Media Control Works in Contemporary China
Taylor Winfield, *22
Inscribing Identities on Uniformed Bodies
Ulrike Bialas, *21
Forever 17: The Contested Ages of Asylum Seekers in Germany
Colleen Campbell, *21
Reproduction as a Site of Power and Contestation: Informed Consent and Black Women’s Negotiation of Medical Decision-Making
Jeremy Cohen, *21
Essays on Student Debt and Higher Education Pathways
Ian Lundberg, *21
Research Begins with a Goal: A Framework Illustrated by Gap-Closing Estimands
Scott Moskowitz, *21
State, Street, Store: The Development of the Chinese Middle Class
Sophie Moullin, *21
The Human in Human Capital: Essays on the Self and Socio-Economics
Ramina Sotoudeh, *21
The Dynamics of Behavioral Adoption: Culture, Networks, Institutions, and the Social Genome
Daniela R. Urbina, *21
When the Tables Turn: Marriage and Gender Inequality in Latin America
Anwar "Jason" Windawi, *21
The Emergence of Blockchain: Institutions, Open Source Technology and the Social Organization of Early-Stage Digital Transformation
Janet Xu, *21
Organizational Diversity Programs and Individual Outcomes
Simone Zhang, *21
Pretrial Risk Assessment Algorithms in the Courtroom
Cary Beckwith, *20
Three Essays on Local Social Orders
Clark Bernier, *20
The Dynamics of Post-Bureaucracy: How Status Shapes Authority in Contemporary Organizations
Jessamin Birdsall, *20
Racial Diversity in British Evangelicalism: Frames, Barriers, and Practices
Sergio Galaz Garcia, *20
Has the Time Come? Three Essays on the Relationship Between Historical Contingency and Politicization in the Immediate, Short and Long Run
Liora O'Donnell Goldensher, *20
Homebirth Politics: Feminists, Conservatives, and the Struggle Over Expert Knowledge
Gozde Guran, *20
Brokers of Order: How Money Moves in Wartime Syria
Rebecca Johnson, *20
Zero-Sum Rights: Student Needs, Parental Intervention, and Hidden Rationing in K-12 Education
Arum Park, *20
The Social Construction of Internet Addiction: A Comparative Study of South Korea, Japan, and the U.S.
Leah Margareta Gazzo Reisman, *20
Strategizing for Social Good: How Consulting Shapes the Nonprofit Sector
Grace Tien, *20
Global Disruptors: Startups, Entrepreneurs, and Investors in the Age of Technocapitalism
Amanda Cheong, *19
Omitted Lives: Access to Civil Registration and its Implications for Inequality
Sharon Cornelissen, *19
The Unequal Neighborhood: Hardship and Privilege in Northwest Detroit
Leah L. Gillion, *19
Education, Political Ideology, and Academic Outcomes
Sarah James, *19
The Role of Sleep in the Status Attainment Process
Samantha Jaroszewski, *19
Fantasy Sports: Community through Ritual and Technology
Kimberly Kracman, *19
Accounting for Property: The Role of Technical Narratives in the Distribution of Wealth
Joel Mittleman, *19
LGB Youth in America's Schools: New Evidence from a Changing Context
Nicole Pangborn, *19
Ethnicity, Emotions, and Relations in an Italian-American Suburb
Emilce Santana, *19
Can Love Conquer All? Platonic and Romantic Relationships Across Ethnoracial Lines
Martin Sybblis, *19
Open for Business: A Socio-Legal Analysis of Economic Development in the Caribbean
Mélanie Terrasse, *19
No Wrong Door: Data Sharing and Coordination in Nonprofit Social Services
Han Zhang, *19
Three Papers on Collective Action
Cheng Cheng, *18
Women's Education, Intergenerational Coresidence, and Household Decision-Making in China
Angela Dixon, *18
The Color of Inequity: Perceptions of Discrimination in Latin America
Linsey Nicole Edwards, *18
Time & Efficacy: Neighborhoods, Temporal Constraints, and the Persistence of Poverty
Heba Gowayed, *18
Refuge: Syrian Refugee Incorporation and the Production of New Minorities
Allison Kenney, *18
Authority in Urban School Governance: Stasis and Change in New Haven Public Schools
Heather Kugelmass, *18
Racial Disparities in Access to Mental Health Care: A Field Experimental Approach
Kendall Cox Park, *18
B the Change: Social Companies, B Corps, and Benefit Corporations
David Reinecke, *18
Network Struggles: Re-Wiring U.S. Network Industries for Competition, 1970-2015
David Barron Schwartz, *18
Crowd and Community: Organizations and Occupations in Crowdsourced Work
Alfredo Garcia, *17
The Walls of Wynwood: Art and Change in the Global Neighborhood
Denia Garcia, *17
Integration Beyond Numbers: Getting Along and Working Together in a Multiethnic Neighborhood
Angelina Grigoryeva, *17
Household Economies in the Context of Financialization and Population Aging
Andrew Ledford, *17
Islamism in the Middle East and North Africa
Kathyrn Li, *17
Between Resistance and Accommodation: Evangelical Christian Therapists Engaging the Secular World
Maria Abascal, *16
Black-White Relations in the Wake of Hispanic Population Growth
Alexander Davis, *16
Equal but Separate? Building Gender, Sex and Status into Public Restrooms in the United States, 1883-2015
Janeria Easley, *16
Getting a Job, Getting to Work: Hidden Inequality in Spatial Mismatch Among US Ethnoracial Groups
Kerstin Gentsch, *16
How Admission Policy Shapes College Access: Evidence From Two Sectors
Joanne W. Golann, *16
Scripting the Moves: Class, Control, and Urban School Reform
Aaron Gottlieb, *16
Mass Incarceration in the United States: New Evidence on Implications and Ways Forward
Yossi Harpaz, *16
Compensatory Citizenship: A Comparative Study of Dual Nationality in Serbia, Mexico and Israel
Jennifer Huynh, *16
The City Within: Growing up Vietnamese in Little Saigon
Patrick Ishizuka, *16
Culture or Constraints? Parenthood and the Persistence of Inequality
Tina Lee, *16
Collusion without Corruption: Shifting Frames and Conflicting Rationalities in the Private and Public Sectors in China
Lauren Senesac, *16
Do-It-Yourself Biology Labs: Analysis of An Emerging Organizational Form
Kyla Thomas, *16
Hidden (Dis)Advantages of Class: How Cultural Signals of Class Shape U.S. Labor Market Outcomes
Saul Thorkelson, *16
Diversity amidst Nationalism: Anti-Immigrant Sentiment and Democratic Inclusion in Europe and the United States.
Jessica Yiu, *16
Tiger Children in Old and New Immigrant Destinations: The Divergent Educational Experiences of Chinese Immigrant Youth in Spain, Italy and the U.S
Edward Berchick, *15
The Evolving Importance of Early-Life Health for the Reproduction of Educational Disadvantage Across Birth Cohorts
Sarah Brayne, *15
Stratified Surveillance: Policing in the Age of Big Data
Elaine Enriquez, *15
Convicts and Convictions: The Society, Identity, and Morality of Incarcerated Men
Rachael-Heath Ferguson, *15
Hustle: Social Order in Extralegal Exchange
Lauren Gaydosh, *15
Beyond Orphanhood: Family Structure and Child Health in Tanzania
Erin Johnston, *15
Learning to Practice, Becoming Spiritual: Spiritual Disciplines as Projects of the Self
Allison Youatt Schnable, *15
Do-It-Yourself Aid: The Emergence of American Grassroots Development Organizations
Brad Smith, *15
Business as Spiritual Vocation: Evangelical Executives on Faith and Work
Mahesh Somashekhar, *15
Immigrant Business in Suburban America: How and Why Ethnic Economy Workers in the Suburbs Are Struggling to Get By
Charles Varner, *15
Taxation Without Borders: How Elite Embeddedness Trumps Millionaire Migration
Aasha Abdill, *14
Papa May Have: An Intimate Examination of Fatherhood in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn
Yael Berda, *14
Colonial Legacy and Administrative Memory: The Legal Construction of Citizenship in India, Israel and Cyprus
Angele Christin, *14
Clicks or Pulitzers? Web Journalists and Their Work in the United States and France
Rene Flores, *14
The Social Consequences of Subnational Restrictionist Immigration Policies in the U.S.
Jeff Lane, *14
The Digital Street
Karen Levy, *14
The Automation of Compliance: Techno-Legal Regulation in the U.S. Trucking Industry
Rourke O'Brien, *14
Macroeconomic Conditions, Welfare State Policy, and the Evaluation of Disability
David Pedulla, *14
Non-standard, Contingent, and Precarious Work in the “New Economy”
Victoria Reyes, *14
Global Borderlands: A Case Study of Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines
Stephanie Schacht, *14
Organizational Form and Mission in the Alternative Food Movement
Naomi Sugie, *14
Finding Work: A Smartphone Study of Job Searching, Social Contacts, and Wellbeing After Prison
Julia Gelatt, *13
Immigration Status and Child Well-Being in the United States
Sara Hassani, *13
Magnifying Disaster: The Causes and Consequences of Home Underinsurance
Erin Jacobs, *13
Prisoner Reentry in Context: Labor Market Conditions, Neighborhoods, and the Employment and Recidivism Outcomes of Former Prisoners
Jayanti Owens, *13
Habits that Make, Habits that Break: Gender, Children's Behavior Problems, and Educational Attainment Across Two Decades
Michelle S. Phelps, *13
Dissertation: The Paradox of Probation: Understanding the Expansion of an "Alternative" to Incarceration During the Prison Boom
LiErin Probasco, *13
More Good Than Harm: Moral Action and Evaluation In International Religious Volunteer Tourism
Michael Schlossman, *13
Not Quite Treatment, Not Quite Punishment: A Case Study of American Juvenile Justice in the Get-Tough Era (1987-2009)
Liza Steele, *13
Valuing the Welfare State: A cross-national analysis of attitudes about income inequality and redistribution in 91 countries with case studies of Brazil, China, France, and the United States
LaTonya Trotter, *13
Medical Work/Nursing Work: Negotiating the Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care
Erik Vickstrom, *13
The Production and Consequences of Migrant Irregularity: Senegalese in France, Italy, and Spain
Sharon Yoon, *13
Re-Conceptualizing the Enclave in An Era of Transnationalism: Ethnic Solidarity and Upward Mobility in the Korean Enclave in Beijing
Amir Goldberg, *12
Where Do Social Categories Come From? A Comparative Analyses of Online Interaction and Categorical Emergence in Music and Finance
Carol Ann MacGregor, *12
School’s Out Forever: The Decline of Catholic Education in the United States
Emily A. Marshall, *12
PhD Dissertation: Population Problems? Demographic Knowledge and Fertility in Great Britain and France, 1945-2005
Alexandra Murphy, *12
The Social Organization of Black Suburban Poverty: An Ethnographic Community Study
Craig Upright, *12
New-Wave Cooperatives Selling Organic Food: The Curious Endurance of an Organizational Form
Michael Benediktsson, *11
The Suburban Scripts: Built Environment and Socioeconomic Change in the American Suburbs
Bart Bonikowski, *11
Dissertation: "Toward a Theory of Popular Nationalism: Shared Representations of the Nation-State in Modern Democracies."
Becky Hsu, *11
Assisting the Rural Poor: Moral Understandings, Microfinance, and International Voluntary Efforts in Southwestern China.
Rania Salem, *11
Economics of Courtship: Matrimonial Transactions and the Construction of Gender and Class Inequalities in Egypt
Daniel Schneider, *11
Wealth and the Propensity to Marry
Hana Shepherd, *11
Dissertation: "Great Decisions: The Organizational Basis of Foreign Policy Ideas in the Council on Foreign Relations."
Scott Leon Washington, *11
Hypodescent: A History of the Crystallization of the One-Drop Rule in the United States, 1880-1940
Kevin Woodson, *11
Fairness and Opportunity in the Twenty-First Century Corporate Workplace: The Perspectives of Young Black Professionals
Sofya Aptekar, *10
Immigrant Naturalization and Nation Building in North America
Phillip Connor, *10
A Theory of Immigrant Religious Adaptation: Disruption, Assimilation, and Facilitation
Nicholas Ehrmann, *10
Yellow Brick Road
Alice Goffman, *10
On the Run
Pierre Kremp, *10
Bubble & Inequality: The Diffusion of Stock Ownership in the U.S.
Petra Nahmias, *10
The Social Epidemiology of Maternal Obesity In Egypt
Amy Michelle Reynolds, *10
Saving the Market: The Role of Religious Values, Authority, and Networks in International Trade Discourse
Cristobal Young, *10
The Non-Pecuniary Costs of Unemployment: Three Empirical Studies of Job Loss and Search
Debbie Becher, *09
City of Philadelphia's Use of Eminent Domain
Donnell Butler , *09
Franklin & Marshall College
Sharon Bzostek, *09
Mothers’ Union Formation Following a Non-Marital Birth
Clemencia Cosentino, *09
Examination Regimes and Student Achievement
Hillary Levey, *09
Harvard University
Valerie Lewis, *09
Slums and Children’s Disadvantage: The Case of India
Rebekah Massengill, *09
Critical Capitalism: Moral Discourse in the Debate Over Wal-mart
Christina Mora, *09
De Muchos, Uno: The Institutionalization of Latino Panethnicity in the United States 1960-1990
Alexandria Walton Radford, *09
Where Do They Go? How Gender, Race, and Social Class Shape High School Valedictorians’ Paths to Their Undergraduate Institutions
Renelinda Arana, *08
Rebuilding Society Behind Prison Walls: Examining the Structure of Prisoner-Run Reform Organizations
Rebecca Casciano, *08
"By Any Means Necessary": The American Welfare State and Machine Politics in Newark's North Ward
Conrad Hackett, *08
Religion and Fertility in the United States: The Influence of Affiliation, Region, and Congregation
Gregoire Mallard, *08
The Atomic Confederacy: Europe's Quest For Nuclear Weapons and the Making of The New World Order
Christine Percheski, *08
Women’s Employment, Family Structure and Social Inequality
Anna Sun, *08
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Asian Studies, Kenyon College
Christopher Wildeman, *08
Parental Incarceration, the Prison Boom, and The Intergenerational Transmission of Stigma and Disadvantage June 2008
Adriana Abdenur, *06
Assistant Professor of International Affairs
Rina Agarwala, *06
Ph.D. Dissertation: From Work to Welfare: Informal Workers’ Organizations and the State in India
Maitrayee Bhattacharyya, *06
Marital Assimilation Among U.S. Raised Asian Indians: Contours, Consequences, and Alternative Pathways
Michelle Bellessa Frost, *06
Ph.D. Dissertation: Texas High Schools and Precursors to Students' College Attendance
Michael Lindsay, *06
Ph.D. Dissertation: Faith in the Corridors of Power: Religious Identity and Public Leadership
Traci Schlesinger, *06
Assistant Professor – DePaul University
Laura Stark, *06
Ph.D. Dissertation: Morality in Science: How Research is evaluated in the Age of Human Subjects Regulations
Anna Zajacova, *06
Ph.D. Dissertation: Sociodemographic Factors and Health: Examination of Select Pathways Over the Lifecourse
Sada Aksartova, *05
Ph.D. Dissertation: Civil Society from Abroad: U.S. Donors in the former Soviet Union
Kelly A. Hoffman, *05
Ph.D. Dissertation: State Authority and International Environmental Law
Alexandra Kalev, *05
Ph.D. Dissertation: Gender and Racial Inequality at Work: Changing Organizational Structures and Managerial Diversity
Rachel Kimbro, *05
Ph.D. Dissertation: Intergenerational Differences in Health Behaviors for Mexican-Americans: The Role of Culture and Cohesion
Virag Molnar, *05
Ph.D. Dissertation: Modernity and Memory: The Politics of Architecture in Hungary and East Germany After the Second World War
Margarita Ann Mooney, *05
Ph.D. Dissertation: Upward Climb or Downward Slide? Religion and Mediating social Capital in the Haitian Communities of Miami, Montreal and Paris
César F. Rosado Marzán, *05
Ph.D., J.D.
Gabriel Rossman, *05
Assistant Professor – UCLA
Joan Leann Walling, *05 S*03
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Power of Receiving: Finding Moral Meaning in Care-Receiving Episodes
Joshua A. Guetzkow, *04
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Carrot and the Stick: An Inquiry into the Relationship between Welfare and Criminal Justice
Jean T. Knab (Tansey), *04
Senior Researcher at Mathematica Policy Research
Ann J. Morning, *04 S*04
Associate Professor – NYU
Frederick F. Wherry, *04 S*02
Professor, Departmental Representative
Department of Sociology
Princeton University
Dirk Mathias Zorn, *04
Ph.D. Dissertation: Hail to the Chief: Conceptions of Control and the Rise of the Chief Financial Officer in the American Firm
Nina Bandelj, *03
Assistant Professor – University of California
Julian B. Dierkes, *03
Associate Professor and Keidanren Chair in Japanese Research, Institute of Asian Research, Univ of British Columbia
Eszter Hargittai, *03
Ph.D. Dissertation: How Wide a Web? Inequalities in Accessing Information Online
Kazuko Suzuki, *03
The State and Immigrant Adaptation: A Comparative Study of the Korean Diaspora in Japan and the United States
Gwendolyn A. Cadge, *02
Ph.D. Dissertation: Seeking the Heart: The First Generation Practices Theravada Buddhism in America
Marion Wigby Carter, *02
Ph.D. Dissertation: Do “Macho” Men Visit the Midwife? Husband Involvement in Maternal and Child Health in Rural Guatemala
Kristen S. Harknett, *02
Ph.D. Dissertation: Single Parents and Rational for Marriage
Brian Sloat Steensland, *02
Assistant Professor – Indiana University
Dana A. Glei, *01
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Integration of Traditional and biomedical Care During Pregnancy and Birth in Rural Guatemala
Kieran J. Healy, *01
Assistant Professor – University of Arizona
Steven J. Tepper, *01
Ph.D. Dissertation: Culture, Conflict and Community: Struggles Over Art, Education and History in American Cities
W. Bradford Wilcox, *01
Ph.D. Dissertation: Soft Patriarchs & New Men: Religion, Ideology, and Male Familial Involvement
Antony W. Alumkal, *00
Assistant Professor – Iliff School of Theology
Bethany P. Bryson, *00
Ph.D. Dissertation: Conflict and Cohesion: Why the Canon Wars Did Not Destroy English Literature
Erin L. Kelly, *00
Assistant Professor of Sociology – University of Minnesota
Abigail Cope Saguy (Smith), *00
Assitant Professor – UCLA Department of Sociology
Jason A. Kaufman, *99
Ph.D. Dissertation: Sometimes Civil Society: Urban Development, Municipal Politics, and the Impact of the Communications Revolution on 19th Century American Cities
Usic Kim, *99
Ph.D. Dissertation: Controlling Uncertainty: Relationship Management in the Organizational Field of U.S. Investment Firms
Elizabeth M. Pettit, *99
Ph.D. Dissertation: Navigating Networks and Neighborhoods: An Analysis of the Residential Mobility of the Urban Poor
Tracy L. Scott, *99
Ph.D. Dissertation: What’s God Got to Do With It? Protestantism, Gender, and the Meaning of work in the U.S.
John H. Evans, *98
Associate Professor – Univ. of CA, San Diego
Jeffrey K. Hass, *98
Ph.D. Dissertation: To the Undiscovered Country: Institutions, Authority, Culture and Russia’s Transition to the Market, 1988-1997
Hongqiu Yang, *98 S*94
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Cultural Meaning of Health: Social Ties and Health Among the Elderly in China and Japan
Courtney J. Bender, *97
Associate Professor – Columbia University
Matthew M. Chew, *97
Ph.D. Dissertation: International Cultural Influence and Problems of Knowledge Production in Cultural Peripheries: The Case of Modern Chinese and Japanese Philosophy
John Schmalzbauer, *97
Department of Religious Studies at Missouri State University
Hiromi Taniguchi, *97
Ph.D. Dissertation: U.S. Men’s and Women’s Wage Attainment, 1968-1988
Maureen R. Waller, *97
Ph.D. Dissertation: Redefining Fatherhood: Paternal Involvement, Masculinity, and Responsibility in the “Other America”
Gray Wheeler, *97
MBA – Harvard Business School
Hongxin Zhao, *97
Ph.D. Dissertation: Children of Teenage Mothers: What Determines Their Resilience
Timothy J. Dowd, *96
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Structure of Charismatic Moral Action
Matthew P. Lawson, *96
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Structure of Charismatic Moral Action
Richard Lee Rogers, *96
Ph.D. *96
Libby A. Schweber, *96
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Assertion of Disciplinary Claims in Demography and Vital Statistics: France and England, 1830-1885
Sina Mandalinci, *95
Ph.D. Dissertation: Class Differences in Vulnerability to Stress: Exploring Stress Loops and Predictive Capacity as Mediating Variables
Matthew J. Price, *95 S*91
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Unmaking of the British Middle Class: Progressive Liberalism and the Discourse of Managerial Authority in Early Twentieth Century Britain
Jack Veuglers
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Institutionalization of France’s Front National
Victoria Chapman Bruno, *94
Ph.D. Dissertation: Working Hard or Hardly Working? An Examination of Children’s Household Contributions in the 1990s.
Timothy Clydesdale, *94
PhD Dissertation: Money and Faith in America: Exploring the Effects of Religious Restructuring and Income Inequality on Social Attitudes and Family Behavior.
Bai Gao, *94
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Social Origin of Economic Reasoning: Three Changing Paradigms in Japanese Economic Policy, 1931-1965
Eva M. Garroutte, *93
Ph.D. Dissertation: Language and Cultural Authority: Nineteenth-Century Science and the Colonization of Religious Discourse
Beth K. Kosiak (Kaplowitz), *93 S*86
Ph.D. Dissertation: Stress, Coping, and the Social Self: An Experimental Examination of Coping Behavior
Naomi Rutenberg, *93
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Estimation of Fecundability from Survey Data on Coital Frequency
Jennifer A. Strickler, *93
Ph.D. Dissertation: Contraceptive Risk-Taking and Contraceptive Failure Among Users of Female Barrier Methods
Stephen W-K. Chiu, *92
Ph.D. Dissertation: The State and the Financing of Industrialization in East Asia: Historical Origins of Comparative Divergences
Edward P. Freeland, *92
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Dynamics of Nonprofit and Public Organizational Growth in Health Care and Higher Education: A Study of U.S. States, 1910-1980
Laura L. Rudkin-Miniot, *92
Ph.D. Dissertation: Gender Differences in Wellbeing Among the Elderly in Java, Indonesia
Marsha G. Witten, *92
Ph.D. Dissertation: Guarding the Castle of God—Religious Speech in Context of Secularity: An Examination of the Sermon Discourse of two Protestant Denominations in the Contemporary U.S.
Guang Guo, *91
Ph.D. Dissertation: A Multivariate Proportional Hazards Model for Correlated Risks, with an Application to Child Survival in Guatemala
Sarah G. Hewins, *91 S*82
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Backstretch: Social Structure and Community in the Stable Area of the Thoroughbred Racing Industry
David Jacobson, *91
Ph.D. Dissertation: A Nation’s Sovereignty Under Seige: The U.S. in an Age of Global Inter-Dependence
Deborah A. Kaple, *91 E
Ph.D. Dissertation: Emulating Control: The Stalinist Origins of Chinese Industrial Organization Management, 1949-1953
Keith F. MacAllum, *91
Ph.D. Dissertation: Technological Innovation in a High School Math Department: A Structural and Cultural Analysis
Kathryn L. Kost, *90
Ph.D. Dissertation: Contraceptive Discontinuation in Peru: Patterns and Demographic Implications
Ryoko Kato Tsuneyoshi (Kato), *90
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Formation of Behavior Patterns in American and Japanese Elementary Schools
William George Lehrman II, *89
Ph.D. Dissertation: Organizational Form and Failure in the Life Insurance Industry
Kia I. Reinis, *89
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Impact of the Proximate Determinants of Fertility: Evaluating the Bongaarts of Hobcraft-Little Methods of Estimation
Sajeda Amin, *84 *88
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Impact of Health Interventions on Socio-Economic Differentials in Infant and Child Mortality in Punjab, India
Fatma Muge Gocek
Ph.D. Dissertation: Toward a Theory of Westernization and Social Change: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Ottoman Society
Shaomin Li, *88
Ph.D. Dissertation: China’s Population Policy: A Model of A Constant Stream of Births
David E. Woolwine, *88
Ph.D. Dissertation: George Herbert Mead: A Critical Reassessment of His Philosophy and Its Relationship to Symbolic Interactionism
Lea Keil Garson (Keil), '78 *86
Ph.D. Dissertation: Centenarian Question: Old-Age Mortality in the Soviet Union, 1897 1970
Carolyn Makinson, *86
Ph.D. Dissertation: Sex Differentials in Infant Mortality in Egypt
Clifford I. Nass, '81 *86
Ph.D. Dissertation: Society as Computer: The Structure of Information Work in the United States 1900-1980
Paul W. Stupp, *86
Ph.D. Dissertation: A General Procedure for Estimating an Intercensal Age Schedule
Ann K. Blanc (Klimas), *85
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Effect of NonMarital Cohabitation on Family Formation and Dissolution: A Comparative Analysis of Sweden and Norway
Karen A. Cerulo, *85
Ph.D. Dissertation: Social Solidarity and its Effects on Musical communication: an Empirical Analysis of National Anthems
Ulla M. Larsen, *85 S*85
Ph.D. Dissertation: Measure of Sterility: A Comparative Study of Levels and the Differentials of Sterility in Cameroon, Kenya and Sudan
Ann Shola Orloff, *85
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Politics of Pensions: A Comparative Analysis of the Origins of Pensions and Old Age Insurance in Canada, Great Britain and the United States, 1880s-1930s.
Carol J. Auster, *84
Ph.D. Dissertation: Nontraditional Occupational Choice: A Comparative Study of Women and Men in Engineering Job.
Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2011
Sally E. Ewing, *84
Ph.D. Dissertation: Social Insurance in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1912-1933: A Study of Legal Form and Administrative Practice
Barbara S. Mensch, *83 S*84
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Effect of Child Mortality on Contraceptive Use and Fertility in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Korea
James A. Riccio, *84
Ph.D. Dissertation: Treatment and Custody in Juvenile Correctional Facilities: A Study of Staff and Resident Behavior
Kevin J. Christiano, *83
Ph.D. Dissertation: Religious Diversity and Social Change in the Turn-of-the-Century American Cities
Jill Spencer Grigsby, *83
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Use of Contraception for Delaying and spacing Births in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Korea
Bart K. Holland, *83
Ph.D. Dissertation: Breast-Feeding and Infant Mortality: A Hazards Model Analysis of the Case of Malaysia
Janet S. Kalwat, *83
Ph.D. Dissertation: Divorce, Remarriage, and Childbearing: A Study of Fertility Differences Between Women in First and Second Marriages
Laina Savory, *83
Ph.D. Dissertation: Strong Attributes and Weak Ties: The Contributions of Background Characteristics and Personal Contacts in Finding a Job
Frank J. Wayno Jr., *83 P07
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Retirement Decision Process: A Multinomial Logit Analysis of the Expected Retirement Decisions of Middle-Aged Male Workers
Christopher R.X. Adamson, *82
Ph.D. Dissertation: Hard Labor: The Form and Function of Imprisonment in Nineteenth-Century America.
David Scott Davis, *82
Ph.D. Dissertation: Deviance and Social Isolation: The Case of the Falsely Accused
Sharon Mengchee Lee, *82
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Effects of Race and Education on Attitudes of Alienation, 1962 and 1976
Wesley Monroe Shrum Jr., *82
Ph.D. Dissertation: Organized Technology: Networks and Innovation in Technical Systems
Claudette Yvonne Smith (Morrison), *82
Ph.D. Dissertation: Age at First Birth and Fertility Decline in Costa Rica: An Examination of the Demographic context of the First Birth and Related Pattern of Subsequent Fertility
Neil G. Bennett, *81
Ph.D. Dissertation: Estimation Techniques Derived From Structural Relations in Destabilized Populations
Howard I. Goldberg, *81
Ph.D. Dissertation: Marital Fertility in Sri Lanka: An Assessment of World Fertility Survey Data
Thomas J. Neville, *81
Ph.D. Dissertation: Television Viewing and the Expression of Interpersonal Distrust
Maxine A. Weinstein, *81
Ph.D. Dissertation: Childbearing and Marital Separation: Evidence from the 1970 National Fertility Study
Margaret E. Flemming, *80
Ph.D. Dissertation: White Ethnic Fertility in the U.S.: Convergence: 1890-1975
Masamichi Stephen Sasaki, *80
Ph.D. Dissertation: Network Analysis of Industrial Organizations in Japan: Group Cohesiveness, Leadership, and Group Productivity
Susan Cotts Watkins (Cotts, *80
Ph.D. Dissertation: Variation and Persistence in Nuptiality: Age-Patterns of Marriage in Europe, 1870-1960
Dennis B. Smith, *79 P99 P09
Ph.D. Dissertation: Social Stratification, Perceived Rewards and Job Satisfaction
Roderick J. Harrison, *78
Ph.D. Dissertation: Occupational Structure, Opportunity and Mobility: Adapting Vacancy Models To National Occupational Structures
Christopher H. Hunter, *78
Ph.D. Dissertation: Leadership-Role Differentiation in Small Groups: Some Methodological and Substantive Issues
Thomas Anthony Jones, *78
Ph.D. Dissertation: Higher Education and Social Stratification in the Soviet Union
Joseph L. Lennards, *78
Ph.D. Dissertation: Streaming and Status Socialization in the Dutch Secondary School System
Douglas S. Massey, *78
Ph.D. Dissertation: Residential Segregation of Spanish Americans in United States Urbanized Areas
Kevin F. McQuillan, *78
Ph.D. Dissertation: Modernization and Internal Migration: The Cases of Nineteenth Century England and France
Steven Messner, *78
Ph.D. Dissertation: Income Inequality and Murder Rates: A Cross-National Analysis
D. Eleanor Westney, *78
Ph.D. Dissertation: Organizational Development in Meiji Japan: A Study of Prefectural Variation in Modernization 1880-1915
James F. McCarthy, *77
Ph.D. Dissertation: Patterns of Marriage Dissolution in the United States
Mary B. Breckenridge (Barber), *76
Ph.D. Dissertation: Time Series Model of Age-Specific Fertility: An Application of Exploratory Data Analysis
Vallon L. Burris Jr., *76
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Child’s Conception of Economic Relations: A Genetic approach to the Sociology of Knowledge
David W. Faure, *76
Ph.D. Dissertation: Local Political Disturbances in Kiangsu Province, China, 1870-1911
Jonathan L. Kamin, *76
Ph.D. Dissertation: Rhythm and Blues in White America: Rock and roll and Acculturation and Perceptual Learning
Michael David Levin, *76
Ph.D. Dissertation: Family Structure in Bakosi: Social Change in an African Society
Nazek K. Nosseir, *76
Ph.D. Dissertation: Measures of Fertility and Mortality in the governorates of Egypt 1947-1960
Gwendolyn L. Lewis, *75
Ph.D. Dissertation: Paradigms, Consensus, and Group Structure: A comparison of Three Scientific Subfields
Jane A. Menken, *75 P86
Ph.D. Dissertation: Estimating Fecundability
Michael P. Soroka, *75
Ph.D. Dissertation: Status Discrepancy, Subjective Class, and Political Involvement
Belgin Tekce, *75
Ph.D. Dissertation: Urbanization and Migration in Turkey—1958-1965
Aykut Toros, *75
Ph.D. Dissertation: Tarsus-II-A Social Experiment in Fertility Regulation
Barbara A. Anderson (Snow), *74 W*74
Ph.D. Dissertation: Internal Migration in a Modernizing Society: The Case of Late 19th Century European Russia
Lewellyn Hendrix, *74
Ph.D. Dissertation: Migration from an Ozark Community: A Microo-sociological Study of Social Involvement and Integration
Jessica Smilowitz Pearson (Smilowitz), *74 P99
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Process of Solving an Industrial Health Hazard
Ronald R Rindfuss, *74
Ph.D. Dissertation: Measurement of Personal Fertility Preferences
Andrew T. Scull, *74
Ph.D. Dissertation: Museums of Madness: The Social Organization of Insanity in 19th Century England
Ukandi G. Damachi, *73
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Trade Union Role in the Development Process: The Case of Ghana
Anthony R. Harris, *73
Ph.D. Dissertation: Deviant Identity, Rational Choice, and Cognitive Simplification
Robert N. Hill, *73 P95
Ph.D. Dissertation: Interprovincial Migration and its Effects on Settlement Patterns in Iran for the Intercensal Period 1956-1966
Victor W. Marshall, *73
Ph.D. Dissertation: Continued Living and Dying as Problematical Aspects of Old Age
Hilary J. Page, *73
Ph.D. Dissertation: Age, Marriage Duration and Fertility: An Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data
Lorna R. Marsden, *72 S*67
Ph.D. Dissertation: Doctors Who Teach: An Influence on Health Delivery in Ontario
Robert I. Rhodes, *72
Ph.D., 1972
Philip Wexler, *72 P92
Ph.D. Dissertation: Children of Immigrants: A Study of Education, Ethnicity and Change in Israel
Gilbert F. Rozman, *71 S*78 P96 E
Ph.D. Dissertation: Urban Networks in Ch’Ing China and Tokugawa, Japan
Jan S. Smith, *71
Ph.D. Dissertation: Social Status, Status Inconsistency and Political Involvement
Russell A. Stone, *71
Ph.D. Dissertation: Social Change in Commercial Organization: A Tunisian Case Study
Ronald Silvers, *70
Ph.D. Dissertation: Artists and Asociability: Studies in the Ideology of Alienation.
Robert J. Birrell, *70
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Structure of Chinese Agriculture Communes 1960-66
James R. Posner, *70
Ph.D. Dissertation: Income and Occupation of Negro and White College Graduates: 1931-1966
Walter D. Connor, *69
Ph.D. Dissertation: Deviance, Control and Social Policy in the USSR
Chandler Davidson, *69
Ph.D. Dissertation: Negro Politics and the Rise of the Civil Rights Movement in Houston, Texas 1968
Albert I. Hermalin, *69 P84
Ph.D. Dissertation: Homogeneity of Siblings on Education and Occupation
Peter J. Stein, *69
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Impact of Selectivity: The College Experience and the Social-Historical Context on the Attitudes of Women
Victor A. Liguori, *68
Ph.D. Dissertation: Stability and Change in the Social Structure of Atlantic Coast Commercial Fisheries
Yunshik Chang, *67
Ph.D. Dissertation: Population in Early Modernization: Korea
Edward F. B. Harvey, *67 S*72
Ph.D. Dissertation: Structure and Process in Industrial Organizations
Kazuko Tsurumi, *67
Ph.D. Dissertation: Adult Socialization and Social Change: Japan Before and After World War II
John P. Hewitt, *66
Ph.D. Dissertation: Social Stratification and Social Productivity
Henry D. Carsch, *65
Ph.D. Dissertation: Dimensions of Meaning and Value in a Sample of Fairy Tales
Jack D. Douglas, *65
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Sociological Study of Suicide: Suicidal Actions as Sociologically Meaningful Actions
Myron Glazer, *65
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Professional and Political Attitudes of Chilean university Students May 1965
Herbert V. Gamberg, *64
Ph.D. Dissertation: White Perception of Negro Race and Class as Factors in the Racial Residential Process
Samir G. Khalaf, *64
Ph.D. Dissertation: Managerial Ideology and Industrial Conflict in Lebanon
Bernard Beck, *63
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Real World of the Little Men
Paul Hollander, *63
Ph.D. Dissertation: The New Man and His Enemies – A Study of the Stalinist Conception of Good
Thomas K. Burch, *62
Ph.D. Dissertation: Internal Migration in Venezuela – A Methodological Study 1962
Arthur B. Shostak, *61
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Role and Viability of the Single-Firm, Unaffiliated Union 1961
Harrison C. White, *60
Ph.D. Dissertation: Research and Development as a Pattern in Industrial Management: A Case Study of Industrialization and Uncertainty 1960
David Matza, *59
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Moral Code of Delinquents: A Study of Patterns of Neutralization 1959
George W. Barclay, *51
Ph.D. Dissertation: Colonial Development and Population in Taiwan 1951
Norman B. Ryder, *51 P72 E
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Cohort Approach: Essays in the Measurement of Temporal Variations in Demographic Behavior 1951
Stanley H. Udy Jr., '50 *58
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Organization of Production in Non-Industrial Culture 1958