3727 Glen Haven Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
Phone: (713) 348-3490
E-Mail: [email protected](link sends e-mail)
URL: http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~soci/People/davidson.html(link is external)
Job: I retired from Rice University in 2003, and now have a consulting practice specializing in minority voting rights. Last year, in collaboration with three junior colleagues in the Rice history department, I wrote a report on ballot security programs over the past half century, and their tendency under certain conditions to depress the minority vote. The report was distributed by the Center for Voting Rights and Protection, a 501(c)3 in Washington. Currently, as a member of the National Commission on the Voting Rights Act, I am writing a report on the status of minority voting rights, in preparation for congressional hearings next year on re-authorization of the non-permanent features of the Act in 2007. For more on the commission, see HYPERLINK "http://www.votingrightsact.org/"(link is external) http://www.votingrightsact.org/(link is external)Personal News: Two sons who hang out in New York and Houston, respectively. Five cats. Three grandkids--Cassady Sakura Davidson, Hans Hikaru Davidson, and Woodrow Shu Davidson, all of whom are big fans of their mother Yasuko's fabulous Japanese cooking. (Truth be told, so am I and my wife, Sharon.) Ph.D. Dissertation: Negro Politics and the Rise of the Civil Rights Movement in Houston, Texas 1968