Erin L. Kelly, *00

Assistant Professor of Sociology – University of Minnesota

909 Social Sciences Bldg., U. Minnesota
267 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: (612) 624-0228
E-Mail: [email protected](link sends e-mail)
Web URL: is external)
Job: I'm an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota, where I am also affiliated with the Minnesota Population Center and the Life Course Center. My research examines the development, diffusion, implementation, and consequences of U.S. workplace policies and practices such as "family-friendly" policies, diversity management initiatives, and sexual harassment policies. I teach courses on organizations and work, the sociology of families, and research methods. My current project is a quasi-experimental, multi-method study of an innovative approach to flexible work arrangements. As co-principal investigator of the Flexible Work and Well-Being Center, with Phyllis Moen, I am investigating whether and how increased control over when, where, and how work is done affects employees' health, well-being, sense of work-family conflict, and effectiveness at work. Recent accomplishments: The Center and research described above is funded by NICHD as part of a national network on work, family, health and well-being. Personal news: I'm happily married to David Krewinghaus and happily mom to a 2 year old son. We are enjoying life in Minnesota, with its great tradition of civic involvement, and I am pleased to be in a department where public sociology is encouraged and expected. Ph.D. Dissertation: Corporate Family Policies in U.S. Organizations, 1965-1997

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