Jan S. Smith, *71

Ph.D. Dissertation: Social Status, Status Inconsistency and Political Involvement

171 North Washington
Delaware, OH 43015
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Job: Undergraduate teaching. Plan to retire in 2008.
Research on-and-off for the last decade or so: (a) a simple theory of homo sociologicus, explicitly contrasted with homo economicus, and derived theories about intragroup cooperation and intergroup conflict; (b) the social structure and culture of nomads in southwestern and central Asia. Personal News: My wife Andrea was a programmer from 1967 to 1970 in the Office of Survey Research and Statistical Studies in the basement of Green Hall. [Is that the right name of the office? "Green" or "Greene" Hall? Please correct if I am wrong.] Two daughters, one grandson, and two grandaughters on the way. Ph.D. Dissertation: Social Status, Status Inconsistency and Political Involvement

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