Joel Mittleman, *19
As a sociologist and social demographer, I study inequality with a focus on stigmatized youth, particularly children of color and sexual and gender minorities.
My research examines how stigmatized children are “policed”—by peers, by teachers, and by the juvenile justice system itself. Substantively, I focus on the determinants and consequences of exclusionary school discipline and peer bullying.
My sole-authored research has been published in Sociology of Education and Educational Researcher and is forthcoming in the Journal of Adolescent Health. My work has received awards from the Education and Population Sections of the ASA, as well as from the Educational Problems Division of the SSSP.
At Princeton, I am entering my sixth year as a PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology, with affiliations in the Office of Population Research and the Woodrow Wilson School. My work was recently recognized with a university-wide honorific fellowship.
My research and training have previously been supported by a Marshall Scholarship, a Truman Scholarship, and a fellowship from the American Education Research Association.
Before finding my disciplinary home as a sociologist, I studied philosophy at the London School of Economics, education at UCL's Institute of Education, and economics at Swarthmore College. My research and teaching interests continue to be informed by these diverse fields.