Joseph L. Lennards, *78

Ph.D. Dissertation: Streaming and Status Socialization in the Dutch Secondary School System

183 Wanless Avenue
Toronto M4N 1W4
Ontario, Canada
Phone: (416) 489-2933
E-Mail: [email protected](link sends e-mail)
Job: I retired from the sociology department at York University in 2000 and I am currently a senior scholar in sociology at York University and a member of the Graduate program faculty Personal news: Our twin daughters, born in Princeton both married a Ph.D. in psychology. The oldest daughter lives with her family in London, Ont. Her younger (by seven minutes)sister and family live in Eugene, Oregon. We have 4 grandchildren, evenly divided among the two families. Joke and I still can be found in summer and fall exploring the Canadian wilderness by canoe and taking a group of seniors along occasionally. Ph.D. Dissertation: Streaming and Status Socialization in the Dutch Secondary School System

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