Paul Hollander, *63

Ph.D. Dissertation: The New Man and His Enemies – A Study of the Stalinist Conception of Good

35 Vernon Street
Northampton, MA 01060-2845
Phone: (413) 586-5546
Job: retired from teaching (at UMass, Amherst) in 2000
Accomplishments: Published: DISCONTENTS: POSTMODERN AND POSTCOMMUNIST (2002, Transaction) UNDERSTANDING ANTI-AMERICANISM [edited](2004, Ivan Dee) Completed: FROM THE GULAG TO THE KILLINGS FIELDS [edited] forthcoming later this year or early next year. Completed: THE END OF COMMITMENT: REVOLUTIONARIES, INTELLECTUALS AND POLITICAL MORALITY (to be published next summer) Ph.D. Dissertation: The New Man and His Enemies – A Study of the Stalinist Conception of Good

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