Stephen W-K. Chiu, *92

Ph.D. Dissertation: The State and the Financing of Industrialization in East Asia: Historical Origins of Comparative Divergences

Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Phone: 852-2609-6607
E-Mail: [email protected](link sends e-mail)
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Job: Professor, Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Courses teaching: Economy and Society in Modern East Asia, Globalization, Sociology of Development. Research: Mostly on Hong Kong, China, and the rest of East Asia. Selected projects working on: restructuring of state enterprises in Northeastern China, flexible employment in Hong Kong, and traditional Chinese medicine in Hong Kong. Personal news: I am married (with Doreen) with have three kids (Justin (8), Declan (6), and Colin (2)). Spend a bit of time in promoting sociology in high schools. Ph.D. Dissertation: The State and the Financing of Industrialization in East Asia: Historical Origins of Comparative Divergences

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